2023 4th International Conference on Signal Processing and Computer Science(SPCS 2023)
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2023 4th International Conference on Signal Processing and Computer Science(SPCS 2023) will be held in Guilin, China during August 25-27, 2023. For further information of the hotel, please find below.


I. Information:

Guilin Guishan Huaxing Hotel

Hotel Website :Click

Telephone : + 86-0773-3199999

Address : No. 42 Chuanshan Road, Qixing District, Guilin, Guangxi, China


>> Standard single room : 330 yuan / night ( about $ 46.6 / night ). ( Includes a bed, Internet and breakfast )

>> Standard double room : 330 yuan / night ( about $ 46.6 / night ). ( Includes two beds, Internet and two breakfasts )


Ⅱ. Room Booking:

You can make a reservation by calling +86- 18577336808 before August 21, please tell that you are a guest of " CSDSCI 2023、SPCS 2023" meeting, and then can enjoy the agreed price.


Ⅲ. Direction:

* liangjiang International Airport 30 km ; 40 minutes;

* GuiLing north Railway Station 8.3 km ; 22 minutes; 


Ⅳ. Tips:

For non-Chinese Attendees, "Bring me to the hotel" card is available. You can show it to the taxi drivers and they will take you to the hotel.


广西桂林七星区穿山路42号, 桂林桂山华星酒店。谢谢!


The above Chinese word means:

Please take me to Guilin Guishan Huaxing Hotel, thank you !  Hotel Address :  No. 42 Chuanshan Road, Qixing District, Guilin, Guangxi, China



第四届信号处理与计算机科学国际学术会议(SPCS 2023)将于2023年8月25-27日在桂林桂山华星酒店举行。具体酒店信息和预定方式如下:


Ⅰ. 酒店信息:






>> 普通大床房:330元  含1张床/无线网络/1份早餐

>> 普通双床房:330元  含2张床/无线网络/ 2份早餐


Ⅱ. 房间预定方式:

1. 可编辑短信“会议简称+姓名+入住日期+退房日期+房型+入住人数”,发送至18577336808(秦经理)。

2. 请勿重复预定。请尽快在8月21日前完成预定(逾期无法保证房间安排,需视酒店房态而定),如有变动或取消预定需提前一周告知酒店经理。酒店费用将由酒店直接收取并开具发票。


Ⅲ. 交通指南:

*两江国际机场: 30km ; 1hour 40mins

*桂林北站: 8.3km ; 22mins

Guilin Introduction

'East or west, Guilin landscape is best!' Located in the northeast of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in south China, Guilin is considered to be the pearl of China's thriving tourist industry on account of the natural beauty and historic treasures. 

Covering an area of about 27,800 square kilometers (10,734 square miles), the city is rather compact when compared with other major travel destinations in the country. The stunning landscape in which the city is situated has a kind of magic that is all its own. The strangely shaped hills or karsts, with the verdant vegetation ranging from bamboos to conifers together with crystal clear waters and wonderful caves make the city such an appealing destination. It is an important cultural city with a history of more than 2,000 years, and has been served as the political, economic and cultural center of Guangxi since the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127).